Title: Assistant Attorney General - Workers Compensation
Division: Government Representation
Bureau: Workers' Comp
The Workers’ Compensation Bureau defends the State of Illinois in workers’ compensation claims filed by State employees with the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission. In addition, the Bureau prosecutes employers under the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act for failure to maintain workers’ compensation insurance coverage for employees. The Bureau also defends claims filed against various State Funds which provide workers’ compensation benefits under certain circumstances. Additionally, the Bureau provides advice to State agencies on workers’ compensation issues.
An Assistant Attorney General in the Workers’ Compensation bureau investigates and handles a large number of cases. Assistant Attorneys General investigate workers’ compensation claims and appear in front of the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission. Assistant Attorneys General draft and respond to motions, manage settlements, and represent the State of Illinois in all hearings.
Candidates must be licensed in Illinois at the time of application. Ideal candidates will have either have 2 years of general litigation experience or at least 1 year of experience in the workers’ compensation field. Experience with personal injury cases a plus.
Salary: Salaries are commensurate with number of years of practice as a licensed attorney and range from $ 82,000 to $ 107,550.
To ensure full consideration, please send cover letter, resume, three professional references, and writing sample to:
Attn: Thor Y. Inouye
Office of the Illinois Attorney General
115 S. LaSalle St.
Chicago, IL 60603
(312) 814-3695
(312) 814-5024 (Fax)