Title: Assistant Attorney General - Toll Highway - Downers Grove
Division: Government Representation
Bureau: Illinois State Toll
The Toll Highway Bureau provides legal services to The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, a 1400-employee public agency with over $1 billion in annual revenue that is currently implementing a $14 billion capital program. The Bureau is seeking candidates for the position of Assistant Attorney General to provide wide-ranging legal services including, but not limited to real estate (ideally with an understanding of eminent domain procedures), contract negotiation and general litigation.
Candidates must have knowledge and experience sufficient for them to assume primary responsibility for Tollway matters involving the above practice areas. Candidates should be familiar with federal and state court practices and procedures, well organized and self-directed. Candidates should be prepared to demonstrate strong legal research and writing capabilities as well as outstanding oral communication skills.
Candidates must be licensed to practice law in Illinois at the time of application.
Salary: Salaries are commensurate with number of years of practice as a licensed attorney and range from $ 82,000 to $ 107,550.
To ensure full consideration, please send cover letter, resume, three professional references, and writing sample to:
Attn: Thor Y. Inouye
Office of the Illinois Attorney General
115 S. LaSalle St.
Chicago, IL 60603
(312) 814-3695
(312) 814-5024 (Fax)